Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDSitestring Unique identifier of the site.7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
Sitestring Name of siteMelbourne
Descriptionstring description of siteThis is a description of the site




Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \


Customer Types

Returns a list of all sites customer types configured in Crittah.

URIhttps://[CompanyID][json or xml]/types/customer
GETReturns data defining customer types


FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDTypestring Unique identifier of the type7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
TypeNamestring Name of typeVIP
Descriptionstring description of typeVery important customer



customer types

Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayOfTypeCrittah xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
      <TypeName>Bulk delivery</TypeName>
      <Description>Bulk delivery</Description>


Contact Types

Returns a list of all sites contact types configured in Crittah.

URIhttps://[CompanyID][json or xml]/types/contact
GETReturns data defining contact types


FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDTypestring Unique identifier of the type7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
TypeNamestring Name of typeVIP
Descriptionstring description of typeVery important customer



contact types

Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \


Job Types 

Returns a list of all sites job types configured in Crittah.

URIhttps://[CompanyID][json or xml]/types/job
GETReturns data defining job types


FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDJobTypestring Unique identifier of the type7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
IDWorkFlowstring ID of the workflow used for the specific job type.jdk0fad1-c4da-4488-ereb-55ee9847edcc
Namestring Name of jobAdHoc
Descrstring Description of jobAdHoc job used for last minute work
Colourstring HEX colour used to colour code the job#hhjkgf



job types

Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \


Note Types

Returns a list of all sites note types configured in Crittah.

URIhttps://[CompanyID][json or xml]/types/note
GETReturns data defining contact types


FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDTypestring Unique identifier of the type7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
TypeNamestring Name of typeGeneral
Descriptionstring description of typeGeneral note type



note types

Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayOfTypeCrittah xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
      <Description>Delivery Details</Description>
      <Description>Important Note</Description>

Contact Status


Customer Status




 Returns a list of all contact statuses configured in Crittah.

URIhttps://[CompanyID][json or xml]/statuses/contact
GETReturns data defining contact status

Data fields

FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDStatusstring Unique identifier of the type7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
StatusNamestring Name of statusActive
Descriptionstring description of statusAcitve

Get contact status

Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \

JSON Rsponse:

Code Block
    "IDStatus": "926a4185-6cb3-4a2a-a8ec-1fadc1cf4caa",
    "StatusName": "Active",
    "Description": "Active"
    "IDStatus": "e9fafb7c-6830-4a97-b795-4601f5157134",
    "StatusName": "General",
    "Description": "General"
    "IDStatus": "5ca214d1-4f29-462f-9e77-561ede9ee415",
    "StatusName": "Inactive",
    "Description": "Inactive"

XML Response: 

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayOfStatus xmlns="" xmlns:i="">

Customer Status

Returns a list of all customer statuses configured in Crittah.

URIhttps://[CompanyID][json or xml]/statuses/customer
GETReturns data defining customer status

Data fields

FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDStatusstring Unique identifier of the type7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
StatusNamestring Name of statusActive
Descriptionstring description of statusAcitve

Get customer status

Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \

JSON Rsponse:

Code Block
    "IDStatus": "926a4185-6cb3-4a2a-a8ec-1fadc1cf4caa",
    "StatusName": "Active",
    "Description": "Active"
    "IDStatus": "e9fafb7c-6830-4a97-b795-4601f5157134",
    "StatusName": "General",
    "Description": "General"
    "IDStatus": "5ca214d1-4f29-462f-9e77-561ede9ee415",
    "StatusName": "Inactive",
    "Description": "Inactive"

XML Response: 

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayOfStatus xmlns="" xmlns:i="">


Returns a list of all users configured in Crittah.

URIhttps://[CompanyID][json or xml]/users
GETReturns data defining customer status

Data fields

FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDUserstring Unique identifier of the type7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
Salutationstring Salutation of the userMr
FirstNamestring First name of the userJohn
LastNamestring Last name of the userSmith

Get customer status

Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \

JSON Rsponse:

Code Block
    "IDUser": "3f4c7e0b-3e6b-4a3b-b998-0103e1b2b1b6",
    "Salutation": "Mr",
    "FirstName": "Peter",
    "LastName": "Israelski"
    "IDUser": "e5d2471f-a154-4423-9615-0177bcefe532",
    "Salutation": "Mr",
    "FirstName": "Aaron",
    "LastName": "Davis"

XML Response: 

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayOfStatus xmlns="" xmlns:i="">