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URIhttps://[CompanyID][json or xml]/users
GETReturns data defining customer statusof all users

Data fields

FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDUserstring Unique identifier of the type7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
Salutationstring Salutation of the userMr
FirstNamestring First name of the userJohn
LastNamestring Last name of the userSmith




Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayOfStatus xmlns="" xmlns:i="">

Job Statuses

Returns a list of all job statuses configured in Crittah.

Data fields

FieldValue typeMandatoryDescriptionExample
IDJobTypestring Unique ID for the job type. This is required to return the statuses for s specifc job typ7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
IDStatusstring Unique identifier of the type7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc
StatusNamestring Salutation of the userMr
Descriptionstring First name of the userJohn

Get job type statuses

To obtain the status for a given job type you need to specify the job type ID in the call. Each job type can have a specific workflow so the statuses for each job can differ.

Sample cURL call:

Code Block
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
-H "API-AppID: 7090fad1-c4da-4488-9ceb-55ee9847edcc" \
-H "Api-Username: jsmith" \
-H "API-Password: abc123" \

JSON Rsponse:

Code Block
    "IDStatus": "1aabdc9c-ba61-4aa4-93d1-11f21c47807b",
    "StatusName": "In-Progress",
    "Description": "Job has is in progress"
    "IDStatus": "f24909a7-b645-4260-95d6-175753f9d643",
    "StatusName": "Complete",
    "Description": "Job Completed"
    "IDStatus": "cbe9cc90-5465-46d8-9e10-34671a4c420f",
    "StatusName": "Closed",
    "Description": "Job Closed"

XML Response: 

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayOfJobStatus xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
      <Description>Job has is in progress</Description>
      <Description>Job Completed</Description>
      <Description>Job Closed</Description>