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  1. By selecting the Manage menu option, then "Customers" from the submenu

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2. By selecting the shortcut icon on the top right of your screen

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  • Once selected the Customer Screen appears

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  • Type Start typing in the fist name of the Customer, this is the only required field on the pageYou also have the option of creating a new customer from the Customer details section.  Those mandatory fields are marked by an asterix below.
    Image Removedcustomer, if the customer exists the Crittah application will begin to search the database for an existing customer match to minimise duplication and time. 
  • There are at least four required fields on the form;
    • Company Name
    • Address 1
    • City/Town
    • Post Code
  • There is a check box to select if the Business and Postal Address are the same.  By selecting this option the Postal Address area will disappear


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  • The Crittah application uses the Google Maps for location services.  By selecting the icon  located at the bottom left corner of either the Business or Postal address area the relevant map will appear
