Driver tracking and job information for customers

Driver tracking and job information for customers

Crittah allows you to keep your customers up to date and also track the driver when the driver starts their job. A link will be sent to your customer either by email or SMS and when the customer clicks on the link they will see the job information similar to the view below.


You can configure whether the drivers location can be shown and also when the drivers location can be shown based on the job status.



By default this feature is not setup and needs to be turned on in configuration.

Navigate to Administration in you menu, and then select “Customer portal”

  1. In the “customer portal configuration” screen make sure the customer portal active check box is checked

  2. Click on the “Permissions” tab.

  3. Check that customers can view job information

  4. Check that drivers location can be shown

  5. Select which statuses the job needs to be in for driver location to be show to the customer.

You are also able to configure which job types customers can view. To enable which job types customers can view you will need to

  1. Select the “Job configuration” tab and then

  2. Expand out each job type and check “can view” for the job types you would like customers to view the job information.


Setup customer notification

Now that you have enabled driver tracking and job information for customers, you will want to notify them at the right time so they can track the drivers progress. You can do this either via email or SMS

Navigate to administration in the menu and select “Trading company defaults and templates”


Setup SMS template

At the bottom of the company information select the SMS templates tab and then click “Add SSM template”

Give the template a name and then type the message you would like to send them. To add the link for the customer type “Driver tracking URL” or select it from the list and click the add button. The message bellow will insert the contacts name and the URL to view the job progress when generated.


Setup Email template

At the bottom of the company information select the Mail templates tab and then click “Add email template”

Give the template a name and then type the message you would like to send them. To add the link for the customer type “Driver tracking URL” or select it from the list and click the add button. The message bellow will insert the contacts name and the URL to view the job progress when generated.

Automating customer notifications

Now that you have enabled driver tracking and created your SMS and email templates you can automatically send these emails or SMS’s to your customer when a job reaches each of these statuses.

You configure these automated events for each job type so you can customise the service your provide for each type of job your business offers its customers.

Navigate to administration in the menu and select “Jobtypes”

Select the job type you want to automate by clicking on the tab for that job type and then click edit


Scroll down to the “Event actions” section and click add

In the pop up window you can

  1. select the action (e.g. SMS Message) to take

  2. when a job reaches a selected status

  3. Which template to use

The example below will send the SMS we configured earlier when the job is set to in progress.


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