Creating or Editing a Custom Field

Creating or Editing a Custom Field

For this example, we will be creating a Custom Field to record if an elevator is available at the Delivery Destination. There are a few things to consider

  1. What type of field type do I need? ie Free text, numerical, date field, dropdown of predefined values

  2. What should I call the field?

  3. What Job type will need this new field?

  4. Who should see the new field? ie Do you want your drivers to see this field?

To Create or Edit a Custom Field

Navitgate to the Administration module via Admin>Administration

Select “Custom Fields”

You will now notice that you can add or edit existing Custom Fields; for this example we will continue to Add Custom Field

We want this field to be a Yes/No option and therefore we will setup the new field to be a “Selector” and select Next

You will need to Name the new field, determine if the field is mandatory and should be included on the Driver App.

As we have opted for a “Selector” field (dropdown field), the next step is to define what options should be available for selection

In the below example, we have created the 3 values of Yes, No or Maybe via “Add Selector Value”

Note : You will now need to Map this new field to a Job Type (see Map Custom Fields)