Creating a Vehicle


Crittah's LCMS Vehicle oversight module consists of details relating to a specific vehicle within a site and its operating status. Whilst this module is fundamentally for associating to a shift and driver, it is also the basis  for vehicle maintanenance and management.  This documentation will cover how to use the Vehicle module as well as the various actions and options available from within the module.

Vehicle Fields

The Vehicle module contains a number of stock fields which come out-of-the-box with Crittah. The below definitions are suggested meanings for the fields and their use, however, the configurable fields such as Status and Site can be leveraged differently to best meet your organisation's needs. Users with administrator access have the ability to configure those fields.

Any field name with an asterix on the input screen is mandatory

Vehicle Details - SiteThis is a configurable field based on the location that the vehicle services
Vehicle Details - StatusThis configurable field details if the vehicle is Active or off the road
Vehicle Details - NameThis is a mandatory field that names the vehicle uniquely by the user
Vehicle Details - Make (Manufacturer)The Make of the vehicle
Vehicle Details - ModelThe model of the vehicle
Vehicle Details - License PlateThe license plate on the vehicle
Vehicle Details - Toll Device NumberThe number located on theelectronic  pass for tollway usage
Vehicle Details - VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)The unique number generally found in the engine bay of the vehicle
Vehicle Details - Engine NumberThe engine number of the vehicle
Insurance Details -  Insurance ExpiresThe date the vehicle Insurance policy elapses
Insurance Details - Insurane CompanyThe company the iusrance policy cover is held with
Insurance Details - Insurance Company URLWebsite of Insurance company or link to your online cover
Insurance Details - PhoneInsurance policy company phone number
Insurance Details - Insurance Policy NumberInsurance Policy cover number
Vehicle Capacity/Efficiency - Vehicle Capacity (Cubic Meters)The internal storage capacity of the vehicle in Cubic Meters
Vehicle Capacity/Efficiency - Vehicle Capacity (KG)The maximum weight the vehicle can hold internally in KG's for goods
Vehicle Capacity/Efficiency - Vehicle Efficiency (L/KM)Total distance the vehicle can travel per unit of fuel
Service Details - Next Service DateNext proposed service date for the vehicle
Service Details - Next Service (KM)Next proposed service date in KM (generally whicher ever come first)
Service Details - Odometer ReadingCurrent Odometer reading at time of service
Service Details - Registration ExpiresRegistration expiry date

Creating or editing a Vehicle

There  are two ways to enter the "Create/Edit Vehicle" screen to create or edit a vehicle.

  1. By selecting the Manage menu option, then "Vehicles" from the submenu



2. By selecting the shortcut icon on the top right of your screen

  • Once selected the Vehicle Screen appears

  • When all minimum required fields are completed select the Save button and your vehicle record record will be saved.
End of Document