Getting Started

Getting Started

Thanks for choosing Crittah for your logistics & job dispatch needs.  Below is all the information you need to start your 14-Day free trial.

Logging into the web site and the app...

1.       Website login – You use the website to setup customers, jobs & shifts

2.       Mobile app login – Your drivers will use the Mobile app to update job information, find customer locations & update shift progress.  This is all viewable via the website (Planning & Job Control)

To get the app you can follow the links below


iTunes for Apple


Google Play for Android


You site ID for the demonstration site is crittahdemo

Your username and password is the same as we provided you

3. Here is a link to our online help if you need any assistance or please contact me.


Once you log in via the website you can then:

  1. Create your first Customer (Select from the menu "Manage > Customers")
  2. Be sure to verify the address by clicking on the “Location not known” button and ensure the map centers on your customers address

Now that you are logged in...

  1. Create your first Shift (Select from the menu "Manage > Shifts")
  2. Create your first Job (Select from the menu "Manage > Jobs")
  3. Allocate your driver & vehicle to the shift (Select from the menu "Manage > Shifts")

Now your ready to jump in the car and get those jobs done...

Then when you log in on the phone you’ll see the shift, customer & job you created. 

You’ll be able to update information on the job in real-time and this feeds back to the website so your ops team can see the progress of all vehicles throughout the day in real time including their current speed / location.

Set aside some time to have a good play around it’s O.k you can’t break anything.