Xero Integration

Xero Integration

Crittah provides integration into you Xero financials allowing you to reconcile invoices against payments with your bank account. Crittah integrations links your Customers, Contacts, Inventory and invoices in Crittah with Contacts, Inventory and Invoices in Xero.

Integration relationships

The relationships in Crittah differ slightly to the relationships in Xero so these need to be explained. Xeo only has contacts and Crittah has Customers (which are companies) and Contacts (which are people).

If an invoices is created in Crittah with only a contact against the invoice then this will result in a Xero Contact being created from the contact in Crittah and then the invoice linked to that contact.

If an invoice is created in Crittah with a customer and a contact then Crittah will create a Contact record with the name of the contact the same as the customer name and then add the Crittah contact as a person in the Crittah Contact.

Crittah Customers

Crittah Customers and their contacts are created under one record in Xero. Xero only have contacts. Xero contacts perform a dual role of a business or a person or both. A Xero contact can have the company name set as the contact name and multiple peoples names under the contact.

Crittah integration will create a Xero contact for a Customer. Any Crittah contacts linked to the Crittah customer will be added as a person under the Xero contact record.

Crittah Contacts

Crittah contacts that have no relation to a Crittah customer will be created as a Xero contact. The Xero contacts name will be the same as the cull name of the Crittah contact (first name and last name). The person in the Xero contact record will be the same as the contact in Crittah.


Invoice in Crittah will be created in Xero when uploaded from Crittah and the Contact or customer linked to that invoice in Crittah will be linked to the equivalent contact in Xero.


Inventory in Crittah will be created in Xero when uploaded from Crittah. All inventory item sin Crittah must be synchronised with the inventory items in Xero. This is important to ensure inventory items added to an invoice in Crittah will match the same inventory items for the invoice is SalesForce.

All inventory items in Crittah must be linked to inventory items in Xero to ensure the invoice line items to inventory match and the invoice can be uploaded.

Setup integration with Xero

Crittah currently use the Xero private integrated feature which allows you busines to integrate Crittah as a private application. To setup this integration you will need to follow the steps below to setup Crittah as a private app and load a certificate file provided by Crittah.

Create a private app in Xero

Navigate to https://api.xero.com/Application/Add or https://api.xero.com/Application

The screen shot below shows the steps to take

1. Navigate to the tab "My Apps" and

2. Click on the "New App" Button. This will take you through the process to create a Xero Private app

You can only create on private app. If one exists then you will need to delete the existing and then add the Crittah private app.

3. Select Private App

4. Provide a name for your app "CrittahIntegration"

5. Upload or drage the "publickey.cer" provided by Crittah

6. Agree to terms

7. Click "Create App"

Once uploaded you will get

  • Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for later

Add Key and Secret to Crittah

  • Navigate to your crittah instance https//<company-id>.crittah.com
  • Select Admin→Administration from the menu
  • Select "Xero Integration" from the "Finance" section
  • Select the site you would like to link to Xero from the dropdown
  • Check the active check box
  • Select "Xero" in the Integrate to field
  • Past the Consumer Key you copied earlier into the "Consumer Key" field
  • Past the Consumer Secret you copied earlier into the "Consumer Secret" field 
  • Click "Continue"

Select Continue. Crittah will now connect to Xero and if successful will display the configurations you need to setup to successfull integrate crittah chargeable items with Xero accounts.

Configure Xero accounts to Crittah charges

Crittah integrates all payments, charges and inventory with Xero Accounts and inventory items. When an invoice is loaded into Xero from Crittah, Crittah needs to map all payments and charges to the appropriate accounts and inventory items in Xero. This allows all payments and charges in Crittah to be automatically reconciled in Xero when invoices are uploaded. To Setup these mappings the details are shown below.

Mapping job charges and payments to Xero accounts

Once you have successfully integrated you will see a message in green indicating a successfull connection to Xero. You will now map all Crittah charges to your Xero accounts so that when invoices are loaded into Xero the charges are assigned to the correct GL acount codes in Xero.

  1. Confirm you are integrated to the Correct Xero account. The company name, legal name and tax number displaed indicate the Xero company Crittah is now integrated with.
  2. Select the Xero account any Payments should be loaded agains
  3. For each job type you will need to...
  4. map the charges for each job type to the Xero account. 
  5. (Optional) map to inventory items in Xero if the charge is also related to an inventory item.

Mapping inventory items to Xero items

If you charge for items in jobs you will need to map the inventory items to Xero inventory items to ensure sales of items made in Crittah will reconcile with inventory items in Xero.

To do this you will need to setup inventory (if you havn't already) in Xero loging into your Xero account and navigating to Business → Products and services and then adding your inventory items.

After your items are setup in Xero you can map the Crittah inventory items to the Xero inventory items. 

Log into Crittah and navigate to Admin → Administration and select "Inventory Management" under the Finance section.

  1. Select your site. If you only have one site then it will already be selected.
  2. Click Add
  3. The "Integration Item ID" drop down select will show a list of inventory items in Xero. You need to select an item in Xero which is the same as the inventory item you are creating in Crittah.
  4. Fill in the item details for the inventory item you are adding.

When you add inventory items you need to select the equivalent item in Xero to map to. 

Uploading invoices

Before you can upload invoice you must setup all of the account mappings for chargeable items in Crittah to Xero accounts. This mapping setup can be completed in:

  • Xero Integration setup screesn - Select Admin→Administration from the menu. Select "Xero Integration" from the "Finance" section
  • Inventory screens

When upload invoice you will be sending invoice from Crittah into Xero. 

To do this Navigate to Finance → Upload Invoices

nce you are in the "Upload invoice for Finance" screen you will

  1. select the date range for invoice you would like to 
  2. Click refresh to view the invoices
  3. Check individual invoices to upload or all invoices
  4. Click on the Upload invoices button.