Customer job confirmations
The customer job confirmation feature allows you to get the customer to confirm jobs instead of following up with a customer to confirm if they would like to proceed with the job.
The customer job conformation process allows you to present a professional confirmation process with your companies colours and logos as well as providing the customer with relevant job information for them to review before confirming the job. If the job requires a deposit the customer confirmation process will be able to request payment of this deposit before confirming the job.
When a job is confirmed by the customer, the job will be set to a status of Booked.
Basic workflow
When a customer confirms a job it goes through a basic workflow.
To receive deposit payments you must setup credit card payments and set the deposit amount for each job type that you would like to receive a deposit before confirmation
Setting up the customer job confirmation process
Create a mail template that you would like to send to the customer and add the Job Confirmation button to the email.
Navigate to Admin→Administration and click on "Customer job confirmation" under the "Job Configurations" sub menu.
Accepted Confirm Statuses
Under "Accepted confirm statuses" you need to select the statuses that a job must be in before a customer can confirm the job (e.g. "New", "Quoted", "Pre-Quoted"). This will ensure that a customer cannot set a job status to booked if it has been planned, closed or assigned to a driver back to a "Booked" status.
Job Confirmation Template
This is where you can design what is displayed to the customer when they click on the confirm button in the email. You can provide a greeting message with your company logo and also include job fields providing the customer with information in the job to give them everything they need to confirm the job (e.g. Job Due date, Job reference etc.)
Job Confirmed Template
This is where you can design what is displayed to the customer when they have successfully confirmed the job. You may want to thank them for their business and also re-iterate any terms and conditions at this stage.