Quick Addresses

Quick Addresses

Quick addresses is a useful feature in Crittah to allow you to quickly fill in commonly used address locations for Jobs. If your business is frequently delivering or picking up from a supplier, facility or other location for a customer, then you should use Quick addresses to reduce the need to re-type the common location in the job each time. 

Using Quick addresses

Once you have enable quick addresses and created a list of addresses (Information on how to do this is below) you can then use them whenever you create jobs. The image below shows how you can update the delivery address on a job to a quick address by select from the "Quick Delivery Address" drop down. Once you select a quick address all address details and geo-location information will be updated for the job.


Enable Quick addresses

To enable quick addresses in Crittah navigate to Admin->Administration and select “Global Jobs Configuration” under the “Job Configurations” section.  

Under Global Jobs Configuration check the "Enable quick address selector" check box. And click save.

Manage quick addresses

To enable quick addresses in Crittah navigate to Admin->Administration and select “Manage Quick Addresses” under the “Job Configurations” section.  

From the “Manage Quick Addresses” page you can

-          Add new addresses by typing in the name description and address, click the Locate button to geo-locate the address. Once the location has been geo-located you will be able click save.

-          Edit existing addresses by clicking on the pencil next to the address in the list

-          Delete addresses by clicking on the trash Icon next to the address in the list